The Most Important Aspect of a Closet

walk-in_closet_organizers_espressoWritten by: Solid Wood Closets

Organizing your closet goes beyond the look of it.

Some people believe that space is the most important component of a closet. Actually, closet organization is what matters the most. Why is this? Organizing your closet in an appropriate fashion improves both aesthetics and functionality. So before you go tearing down your walls in search of a solution, consider these tips that will improve your closet all around look.

The first thing that you’re going to want to do is brave through the wades of unworn clothing articles. Place them on your bed, or your floor, and separate them by designating certain clothes to donate and certain ones to keep. As hard as it is to let go of your old clothes, you’re going to need to ask yourself if you’re actually going to wear it in the future and aren’t just hoarding it. There are always the less fortunate that could put it to good use – as cliché as it is.

Now that everything has been cleaned out, you can start organizing everything from scratch. If you have a closet organizer system already in place, you can designate certain areas and hangars for specific clothing types. Hang items like dresses, pants and tops in a neat and organized fashion on the same type of hangar for a finished, cohesive look. Not only is it pleasing to the eye but you’ll find your clothes a lot easier.

There are plenty of online guides that have fantastic closet organizer ideas in the case that you need a new one or want to build one from scratch. You’d be amazed at the creativity of some closet owners.