2 Simple Ways to Find Investment Properties

Any experienced investor knows that the best place to begin when it comes to investment properties is right in their own backyard, before they move to investing in other states and countries.

Piles of pound coins with black background

Finding investment properties in and around where you live is easier than you think, and so here are 2 simple ways to find them locally:

#1: Online Sources

Yes, it’s at the click of a button that you can find investment properties and using the internet to find local properties is a virtual goldmine.

Some of the options of online sites that are more than useful to find investment property deals include Craigslist.com, Zillow.com, Kijiji.com and Backpage.com. All of these resources pertain to the buying and selling of property, their value and renting and so on and so forth.

Of course, these sites are structured so that you can run a search in every city if you ever decided to start investing in properties in your state or elsewhere.

#2: Guerilla Marketing

One of the easiest ways by which one can find investment properties is by using a guerilla marketing tactic known as ‘bandit signs’.

If you’re wondering what these signs are, then look for small plastic signs at intersections or hung on poles as you travel everyday. And they work especially if you keep them simple. It’s even better if they’re handwritten because it gives the impression of being local and trustworthy as opposed to printed signs posted by corporations.

What you need to keep in mind is that local government might prohibit you from posting these signs, so it is actually a good idea to check with in local authorities before actually posting them.